Education Work Group
- Parent - School Communication
- Transition to Kindergarten
- Early Childhood Experiences
- Early Literacy
- Enriching Learning Experiences
“Prescription to Read” Program – A program designed to encourage parents to read to their children from a young age. Through the local Pediatrician Offices in Groton, the program will provide a book to every family at each of their 10 infant wellness visits. The Pediatrician will include a prescription for the family to read to their child every day and a "Reading Tips" brochure with some suggestions on how to read to children at every age.
Summer Reading Loss Prevention - In coordination with Groton Public Schools, Groton Public Library, Bill Memorial Library, Mystic & Noank Library, and our Neighborhood Groups this program strives to improve literacy rates in Groton. Children attend programs throughout the summer where they receive donated books and other reading resources and then track their reading time online to bring back to their school at the start of the school year. CFG is currently working to create a scavenger hunt with local businesses and organizations where students will participate in a literacy scavenger hunt each summer.